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孙雷  卞雄飞  曾振 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):85-86
正大杨树盆地位于内蒙古自治区东部阿荣旗、鄂伦春自治旗及黑龙江省甘南县境内,盆地西接大兴安岭,东依嫩江断裂与松辽盆地西缘紧邻,为在晚侏罗世褶皱基础上发育的一个呈北北东向长条带状展布的中新生代断陷—坳陷型盆地,面积约为15600 km~2,主要由火山岩、火山碎屑岩及正常碎屑岩组成,盆内地层自下而上为下白垩统龙江组、九峰山组、甘河组、上白垩统嫩江组以及新近系中新  相似文献   
By comparison with the Northern Hemisphere, there is a paucity of high-resolution, continuous records extending into the Last Glacial Maximum from the Southern Hemisphere. With specific reference to coastal eastern Australia, there are long records of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental variability available from the tropical north and temperate south. However, there are significant spatial gaps between such records: in particular, until relatively recently, little attention had been paid to the subtropics. This review paper summarises understanding of regional paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variability in coastal eastern Australia during the termination of the Last Glacial Stage, with the aim of highlighting gaps in the current state of knowledge. Recommendations for future research are prioritised to answer knowledge gaps in understanding climate variability in eastern Australia between ca 33–18 kyr BP.  相似文献   
王海雷  刘俊英  王成敏 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1680-1689
本文综合分析了青藏高原日土地区RT-1剖面中介形类和孢粉种类组合的变化,结合三个光释光测年数据,探讨了该地区6510aBP以来古环境、古气候的演变。分析表明:日土地区在全新世中期曾有一个温暖湿润期(6170~5540aBP),之后气候环境频繁波动,逐渐趋向冷干,接近现代气候环境。43~30kaBP期间在鲁玛江冬错和班公错之间的古泛湖解体后,日土地区因为地势低洼,而在当时成为一个封闭的水体,并且一度与相邻的班公错相连。当时的水体一直持续到全新世,在经历了全新世暖湿期时短暂的湖涨期以后,逐渐萎缩,至约1570~1380aBP最终干涸消失,形成现今地貌。研究表明全新世大暖期在本地区也有反映,但是在高原深部,大暖期更为短暂,气候波动更为频繁。  相似文献   
The Domingos Petrolini Swamp, located on the Southern Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, near the town of Rio Grande, constitutes an ample holocene lagoonal deposit. Events related to the holocene transgression and their diverse phases of glacial-eustatic ocillations were found through palynological analysis. Bases on these palynological data, four distinct phases to the paleoenvironmental evolution of the ecosystem were identified. It has also shown a transgressive restricted marine sequence on the base , which suggests the existence of a coastal brackish lagoon or a marisme type of environment. Later, there was a gradation for continentality conditions along with a scarce pollinical record. The third phase is characterized by the presence of marine components and halophyte vegetation, showing another transgressive event in that place. Lastly, the end of direct marine influence over the swamp was recorded and also the vegetation development as it appears these days.  相似文献   
民勤盆地水资源环境与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
甘肃石羊河流域下游的民勤盆地土地荒漠化的发展.备受世人注目。为了使民勤盆地社会经济与环境均能够达到可持续发展的目的,通过民勤盆地水资源利用及其产生的环境效应的研究.划分了水资源利用与环境变迁的阶段。结果表明,人口膨胀、大面积开荒等导致的大规模、无节制地开采地下水,造成地下水水位下降、水质恶化,是30多年来民勤盆地土壤盐碱化、沙漠化迅速发展主要原因。在此基础上,提出了民勤盆地可持续发展战略的原则、环境发展战略和水资源利用战略。  相似文献   
通过深沪湾高分辨率浅地层剖面声学地层和地质钻孔沉积地层的对比,并结合沉积物的粒度、微体古生物以及AMS14C测年的综合分析,揭示了研究区晚更新世末次冰期以来的地层层序,探讨了深沪湾的古环境演变。深沪湾高分辨率浅地层剖面自上而下划分的5个声学地层单元与钻孔岩芯划分的5个沉积地层单元具有较好的对应关系。8.2 ka BP左右,全新世海侵使得海水进入深沪湾海域,海平面低于现今海平面10~12 m,气候凉爽;7 ka BP左右海水到达现今海平面位置,并于6 ka BP左右到达最高,约比现今海平面高2~3 m,气候温暖湿润,这一时期,近岸大量裸子植物被海水淹没并被沉积物快速掩埋;5 850~5 642 a BP研究区温度降低,该降温活动持续到2 ka BP左右,气候凉爽干燥;2 ka BP以来温度逐渐上升,600 a BP左右有一个相对冷期,之后温度又逐渐上升至现今水平。  相似文献   
Playa lake systems tend to be overlooked archives of paleoenvironmental change due to the likelihood of a short and intermittent record of deposition. Groundwater-fed wetlands associated with these climate-sensitive playas, however, preserve changes in hydrologic budget and are thus valuable archives for semiarid regions. This study examines the paleoecological record of a groundwater-fed wetland from Lake Solai, Kenya. Biological proxies are used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental change and climate impacts over the past millennium. Dry conditions persisted between CE 1115 and 1490, followed by wetter conditions during the Little Ice Age. Near surface sediments indicate increasing anthropogenic impact through pastoralism.  相似文献   
通过对西藏札达盆地上新世古格剖面的孢粉分析,上新世古格组地层沉积物记录了4.40~2.74 Ma时期该地区的植被与环境演化过程。4.40~3.75 Ma时期,气候温凉而干旱,呈现出暖温带针阔叶混交疏林植被景观;3.75~3.47 Ma时期,属于山地暖温带针阔叶混交林,气候由温凉干旱向温暖湿润过渡;3.47~3.20 Ma时期,植被发育,属于针阔叶混交林,气候以温暖湿润为主;3.20~2.96 Ma时期,植被以山地暖温带针阔叶混交林与山地寒温带针叶林交替变化为特征,气候开始向干冷方向发展;2.96~2.74 Ma时期,属山地寒温带暗针叶林特征,气候持续干冷。  相似文献   
依据莱州湾南岸A1钻孔孢粉分析,结合14C、热释光测年、沉积物粒度、岩性等资料,对A1钻孔自下而上划分为7个孢粉组合带,并概括它们的主要特征。利用孢粉组合,探讨了120 ka BP 以来莱州湾南岸咸水入侵区的植被发展以及气候的冷暖、干湿交替变化。在85~76 ka BP、50~24 ka BP和10~4 ka BP出现三次暖湿期,分别对应于“羊口海侵”、“广饶海侵”和“垦利海侵”。在三次暖湿期中发生海陆交互相滨岸沼泽或湖泊相沉积,植被类型为落叶阔叶林或针阔叶混交林滨岸草原。在76~50 ka BP和24~10 ka BP两次冷干期为陆相沉积环境,前者出现以针叶林为主的草原植被类型,后者出现干冷的针叶林干旱草原或荒漠草原植被类型,它们分别对应于早大理亚冰期和晚大理亚冰期。孢粉组合所反映的莱州湾南岸晚更新世以来的环境演化同全球性的气候事件及渤海沿岸环境变化具有很好的可比性。  相似文献   
Molecular stable carbon isotope technique was employed to study well-sourced crude oils collected from a single drilling well and from the entire Lunnan oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. The stable carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes from crude oils showed that Ordovi-clan-derived oils are enriched in ^13C and Triassic-derived oils are depleted in ^13C. This is consistent with the distribution and evolution trend of stable carbon isotope ratios in crude oils/organic matter from all over the world in geological history (Stahl, 1977; Andrusevich et al. ,1998). An extensive survey of literature indicates that, except for thermal maturity, organic matter input and depositional environment, paleoenvironmental background is another key factor that affects the stable carbon isotopic composition of Ordovician- and Triassic-derived crude oils. The results showed that gas chromatographic-isotope ratio mass spectrometry ( GC-C-IRMS), combining with biogeoehemical evolution of organic matter in geological history, may be a powerful tool in refining oil/oil, oil/source correlations in multi-age, multi-source petroliferous basins like Tarim.  相似文献   
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